R-IoT – old

The R-IoT sensor module embeds a ST Microelectronics 9 axis sensor with 3 accelerometers, 3 gyroscopes and 3 magnetometers, all 16 bit. The data are sent wirelessly (WiFi) using the OSC protocol.

The core of the board is a Texas Instrument WiFi module with a 32 bit Cortex ARM processor that execute the program and deals with the Ethernet / WAN stack. It is compatible with TI’s Code Composer and with Energia, a port of the Arduino environment for TI processors.

R-IoT front

Processing modules can be found here.

We also provide firmware and processing modules to be uploaded in the RiOT, and Max patches (to use with the free MuBu library), to directly get the data stream into Max and analyse or detect specific motion patterns (free fall, spinning, shaking…).

Codes and Max pataches can be find the following GitHub https://github.com/Ircam-RnD/RIoT.
Energia version 16 should be used to compile and flash the current firmware.

A guide for programming and flashing the R-IoT module is available here : R-IoT Programming & Flashing Guide.

Specs :

  • 34 x 23.5 mm – 7mm thick
  • CC3200 processor – 80 MHz – 32 bits – 256 kB of RAM – 80 mA while transmitting WiFi.
  • 2.4 GHz WiFi – Open Sound Control Oriented
  • 9 DoF motion sensor LSM9DSO – 3D accel + gyro + magneto
  • On-board web server for configuration
  • On-board general purpose tactile switch
  • 2 GPIO + 2 analog inputs (or GPIO) exported
  • I2C bus SCL & SDA pins exported
  • on-board li-ion / li-po charger via µUSB
  • At least 6 hrs of runtime with a 16340 li-ion cell
  • Battery voltage sample and report via WiFi
  • USB UART for serial port debugging and configuration



How to configure a WiFi Access point to receive data from R-IoT

While it’s possible to connect the computer by WiFi to the AP, we strongly advise to use wired Ethernet as it maximizes the throughput and reduces both the latency and data jitter.
When taken straight out of the box, the AP is usually configured with DHCP enabled for clients and with a fixed IP address which can be (most of the time) or or in the case or the mini TP-link 3G/Wifi router,


Set your computer in DHCP (aka “obtain an IP automatically”) and connect it to the router by wired ethernet. Based on the address type you’ll receive (either 1.xxx or 0.xxx) connect to either or or… RTFM ;-) Sometimes DHCP is disabled by default, and a manually set IP address must be assigned to the computer using the same scheme of the router’s default address. In the case of the small TP-link pocket router above, the computer can be set to to first access the admin page located on

When accessing the AP, you’ll be prompted for a login and password, the provided routers are left with admin / admin. Once in the administration page of the access point, there are only a few things to setup. All those things can be changed and tuned to match any equipment, we’re just covering here the basics.

– The default configuration of R-IoT is to connect to a computer with the fixed IP address If the router / AP configuration is set to, there will be an address mismatch, therefore go in the Network -> LAN page and change the AP address to or which is kind of standard


That will usually require a reboot of the AP, proceed and log in once again.

– Tune the DHCP settings. Most of the time the DHCP will be active on addresses from to 199. Change this from 110 to 150, anything to avoid having the default destination IP address ( to be in the DHCP lease pit. Alternatively you can leave it in the DHCP area and reserve the address based on the MAC address of your computer (see DHCP address reservation)



– Finally go in the Wireless settings, change the SSID of your network. Each provided module has a sticker on with with its serial #. Each number matches a SSID name “riotXX” (module number 5 wants to connect to riot5). Select a wifi channel that is possibly different than your neighbor. Finally, go in the security section and disable encryption (WPA2 encryption is supported but not recommended on first use).


Once the router is configured with this 192.168.1.xxx address scheme and DHCP, the computer can be set to, the default destination address the R-IoT module sends data to.
For #MFT scandi, we had pre configured alls provided pocket routers. The can be already accessed via and have a SSID / wifi network name matching the # of the provided R-IoT module (riot3 for module #3 etc). Overall, there’s no standard for naming your SSID, the only requirement is to have the R-IoT SSID name configuration matching the AP SSID.

The WiFi radio channel can be adjusted in order to limit bandwith occupation. Each router has been assigned to a different channel (double check). Use a scanner or just use any WiFi survey app out there to diagnose the RF space around your spot and select the less busy channel.


Accessing the Web Server for configuring the module

  • Turn the module off, press the GP switch, and power the module on while keeping the GP switch depressed
  • The power Led will start blinking fast. When it becomes static / solid, the module is now a WiFi access point
  • Set your computer in DHCP and lookup the wifi network proposed by the module, which will be RIOT-XXXX (4 digits, will change each time)


  • Connect to the network (no security needed)
  • Open your web browser and open the URL http:/
  • That should take you to the web page hosted by the module where you can configure its network behavior & parameters


Currently, the IP address type remains DHCP in the current version of the firmware until Energia stabilizes its API, and security isn’t implemented yet neither. The main parameters that can be adjusted are the IP address of the computer to connect to (DEST IP), the UDP Port, the ID of the module and the sample rate (min 3 ms).

The ID is used to compose the Open Sound Control address scheme which looks like /<ID>/<stream> followed by a data list. When using several modules on the same WiFi access point, the best practice is to :

  • use one UDP / OSC receiver per module, on a dedicated port. This ensures to have a dedicated thread (in like max-msp) to receive the data flow and avoid incoming packets from different modules to be interlaced in the same data pipe. Beware, using several instances of a port listener / OSC receiver (the udp-receive object in max msp) on the same port actually creates a single listener which can be a bottleneck.
  • eventually set a different ID for each module to ease up the patching and routing, even though each OSC receiver sends out its own data flow, so routing doesn’t matter much there, it’s more a convenient way to identify the data origin.

Once the module configuration is finished, press the submit button, settings will be saved in the non volatile memory of the module that then has to be rebooted to apply the new configuration.


Receive sensors data from the module

Below is an data receiving in max-msp. The module currently forges 3 OSC packets

  • /<ID>/raw <11 int data list> that contains the battery voltage, the GP switch state and the raw 9 channels from the motion sensor (all 16 bit)
  • /<ID>/quat <4 float data list> that contains the quaternion computation results based on Madgwick algorithm
  • /<ID>/euler <3 float data list> that contains the euler angles computed by the module from the quaternions mentioned above
  • /<ID>/analog <2 int data list> that contains the analog inputs digital conversion
