MaD allows for simple and intuitive design of continuous sonic gestural interaction. The motion-sound mapping is automatically learned by the system when movement and sound examples are jointly recorded. In particular, our applications focus on using vocal sounds – recorded while performing action, – as primary material for interaction design. The system integrates of specific probabilistic models with hybrid sound synthesis models. Importantly, the system is independent to the type of motion/gesture sensing devices, and can directly accommodate the use different sensors such as, cameras, contact microphones, and inertial measurement units. The application concerns performing arts, gaming but also medical applications such auditory-aided rehabilitation. More…
New tools, new objects for gesture-based musical expression
The central idea of the project was to conceive an open system of tangible interfaces and software modules allowing users to invent their own digital musical instruments, using a large set of musical gestures. This ensemble of hardware/software objects forms what we called the MO – Modular Musical Objects. More…
The Interlude project is featured in the exhibition at MoMA in New York:
Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects, July 24–November 7, 2011 More…
The MO from the Interlude project won the First Prize of the Margaret Guthman Musical Instrument Competition at Georgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology.
Read the review on CreateDigitalMusic: “Human Gestures Power Winners of Guthman Competition“