Max/MSP externals


yin~ Monophonic fundamental pitch estimation
The module implements the YIN algoritm by Cheveigné and Kawahara outputting a fundamental pitch estimation, a periodicty factor and the signal energy.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

psych~ Pitch Synchronous Yin-based Choral Harmonizer
The module performs high quality polyphonic harmonizing and vocoding of monophonic input by PSOLA analysis/resynthesis based on the YIN algorithm by Cheveigné/Kawahara.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

psychoirtrist~ Pitch Synchronous Yin-based Choir Effect
Derived from the psych~ and PAGS modules, psychoirtrist~ transposes and delays a monophonic input multiple times with random variations obtaining a choir effect. Each voice has its own output.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

Smooth Overlap Granular Synthesis
The SOGS algorithm performs optimized granular synthesis with regularly overlapping cosine windows. The modules act on a soundfile stored in buffer~. The rogs~ module is an extended signal controlled version.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

Pitch Aligned Granular Synthesis
The PAGS resynthesis modules perform the resynthesis of PSOLA analysis files in SDIF format (1PSO) containing markers with voiced/unvoiced parameters. Both modules require CNMAT’s SDIF-bufferexternal. The sound is stored in a buffer~.
While sdif.pagsolo~ resynthesises a single voice sdif.pagsemble~ genrates a group of voices varying individually pitch and timing of multiple voices generated from the same pre-analysed source sound.
The modules have been originally developed in collaboration with Geoffroy Peeters for Philippe Manoury’s opera K….
Author(s): Norbert Schnell, Serge Lemouton
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

Phase vocoder

These modules are enirely based on Axel Roebel’s SuperVP also known as the calculation engine behind AudioSculpt. The modules allow for high quality pitch transposition, de/re-mixing of sinusoidal, noise and transitory components as well as spectral envelope transformations and cross-synthesis. Advanced phase vocoder, play module
The module plays, stretches and transforms in real-time a sound stored in a buffer~.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell and Axel Roebel
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

supervp.scrub~ Advanced phase vocoder, scrubbing module
This module is similar to just that the current position in the buffer is given as input signal. This way the module allows for arbitrary playing and scrubbing.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell and Axel Roebel
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

supervp.ring~ Advanced phase vocoder, ring buffer module
This module is similar to supervp.scrub~ and supervp.trans~. The incoming sound is buffered in a ring buffer allowing for arbitrary scrubbing and thus varying the timing of a real-time stream as well as the transformations of pitch and timbre.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell and Axel Roebel
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

supervp.trans~ Advanced phase vocoder, i/o transform module
This module acts on an input signal stream (of an abitrary number of channels).
Author(s): Norbert Schnell and Axel Roebel
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

supervp.cross~ Advanced phase vocoder, cross-synthesis module
This module performs cross-synthesis of two input signal streams outputting a single signal stream (of an abitrary number of channels).
Author(s): Norbert Schnell and Axel Roebel
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum

supervp.sourcefilter~ Advanced phase vocoder, source-filter cross-synthesis module
This module performs cross-synthesis of two input signal streams outputting a single signal stream (of an abitrary number of channels) using LPC or cepstrum modeling of spectral envelopes.
Author(s): Norbert Schnell and Axel Roebel
 Distribution/licence: IRCAM Forum